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Lightport Out Of Character

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[29 Jun 2012|02:02pm]

I am Karra and I come bearing...vehicles.

Ok that’s only half accurate! I have 2 (count ‘em two) characters who need to find people to travel with. Moving in groups is better for the sanity of everyone anyway.

Lj CUT! )

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The wiki reference post! [26 Jun 2012|10:18pm]

Hello all! Just your friendly neighbourhood wikimod here. 

As you can see here, all the characters in Lightport have their own wiki page. To get one of your very own, just comment here answering these simple questions:

Once I've made it, I'll comment your entry with the link, and you can go fill in all the information you need to! If you need any help with the formatting, feel free to comment here/send me an IM on forgetwhatyouknow on AIM, I'll be more than happy to help. 

For an idea of what the finished product should look like, see here.

That's all for now guys!

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Hi [25 Jun 2012|09:59pm]

I was directed by the modly ones to introduce myself here so :|

Here we go.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Lightport! This is Aura and this is Katerina Petrova. Not Katherine Pierce. Well, sort off, but that's what happens when you make an AU and your twin has issues, I guess. She's actually Elena's twin sister separated at birth, cruelly tortured and experimented upon by The Shop who escaped a few years ago and saw the world end too. We'll, she's getting there, timeline wise.

She is messed up. (That's her app) But she's a good person! Sometimes.

You guys should totally add me at triskellions over AIM so we can plot stuff! Right until the dreams kick in Katerina is going to hole in some gradually dying town while she starts to get desperate, so if any group of travelers want to stop by and meet a not-really-vampire, it would be all cool for me.

Finals are next week, so I'm going to be just a biiiiiiiit slow until the 7th.

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Housekeeping [MOD POST] [24 Jun 2012|06:44pm]

Hokay, friends and neighbors. The timeline is up and running, which means that for us to be in line with it, here is the way things are going to break down over about the next two weeks.

Technically right now we're in the middle of the period where the flu is actively uh, killing the earth. (Approximately June 16-July 04) Canonically, characters don't begin to have their dreams of ~destiny~ until after the flu is over, but we're fudging that a little to shorten time between now and play, essentially.

Many players are working on traveling/backstory posts, and that's awesome! This is your notification that it would be best to try to wrap those up by July 4th, which is a week from this Wednesday (here in EST America today is Sunday the 24th). Shortly before that date, Otto will put up an open post in which Dane, currently Lighport's only surviving citizen, begins to inadvertently project his dreams. Characters can use this post for a variety of things.

- Interact with Dane
- Interact with each other (this is open to anyone; if Raven wants to say that she for instance feels a strange sense of familiarity upon encountering, say, Harry, it can be because she interacted with him in her dreams :3)
- Take advantage of ~dream logic~ to play out ...essentially whatever you want. Dreams can do/be anything. Try to keep it light on the horror, though; remember these dreams are to draw characters toward Lightport, know, send them screaming.

So that's what's the haps until we open officially, which shall be approximately the second week in July. Comments are open, and the interest of helping your mod team, please use them for the following:

- Questions! We love questions, especially me, because sometimes I assume everyone around me is psychic.

- Helpful reminders! If your character needs a wiki entry or link in the taken/held post or anything similar, please let us know here. Thank you and please tip your server.

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OMG an OOC post! [17 Jun 2012|11:15pm]

Happy Father's Day! The world is ending!

...I mean hi. Today is the day on our in-game calender that Charles Campion escapes a tiiiiny military base in California, brimming invisibly with the infection that will kill the world.


For the world, anyway! For us, it is :D!!!! because, that means things are starting up! There won't be an in-character post today, that is for slightly later in the week, and is still a mystery, but there is a little something for today.

In the comments, please add the following:

1. introduce yourselves and leave the contact information you would like us to add to the player's page
2. Tell us who you play and give a brief(...ish >_>) yet useful description of them! Silliness (like how they really love to eat pie) is totally optional.
3. Comment endlessly to other people and demand interaction from them.
4. Rinse, repeat.

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